Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Get over it.....

Get over it.....

When you feel down and out, get up.
When you feel like all hope is gone, get up and do something about it.
When you start to feel bad for yourself, remember the people who aren't healthy enough to even make goals like you have made.
When you feel yourself getting negative and saying negative remarks about others, remember it makes YOU the bad guy.
Staying positive and concentrating on getting "it" done will always make you a champion
-Cathy Savage

Thursday, February 19, 2009


EXHALE... Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go!

This blog is designed to help inspire and motivate you because we all know that there are days where even the most dedicated person needs a good kick in the rear ;)

Today is the day that is. This is the day you now have. There's nothing to be gained by wishing for what might have bee today so get out there and take it on and enjoy the ride!

Stay tuned :)