This weekend an amazing friend was lost in a tragic car accident. I needed to exhale, breathe and also mourn with my fellow Savage sisters (www.cathysavagefitness.com), so I went to Sunday session and right away felt the love and spirits lifted. This team of women are truly amazing. Ashley was a amazing light to this team and will deeply be missed but never forgotten <3
I then woke up this morning and felt a bit off and down again. I had contemplated just washing today off and not working out, because I was honestly just feeling downright low. However, I knew Ash would say like all the other Savage girls just get it done! So I decided to get outside and work out my emotions and feelings on the track. I knew that I would feel better after, as I always do. So I cranked up the iPod and went to town! Check out my below workout for a killer mix up to your regular routine.
I was also surprised that during my workout I happened to see 2 butterflies and felt an overwhelming calm come over me. I definitely believe my Nana (who passed this April) was there with me and today she had a friend. It was a sign to keep pushing and know that I do have someone (if not 2) looking down on me.
Needless to say, I exhaled, smiled and went on with my day :)
Until next time, stay healthy and happy!
1 lap around track
side shuffle from 1 goal post to half field, switch directions
20 jump squats
20 jumping jack claps (clap at top of jack)
1 min plank hold
1 lap around track
high skips from 1 goal post to half field, then skip for distance till goal post
20 split jumps
20 jumping jack claps (clap at top of jack)
20 calf raises (20 reg, 20 in, 20 out)
1 min plank hold
cool down... stretch and add in some yoga poses.